Tuesday 15 April 2014

I'm so old!

A conversation between my mom and I:

Me: This will be my next car! (Holds up picture of Toyota RAV4)
Mom: Must be nice to have money...!
Me: I never said when...maybe in like 40 years!
Elisabeth (9) pipes up: What! But you'll be dead by then!

......Thanks Lis...

Friday 11 April 2014

Baby Lovin' Overload

Ok, so I lied. They weren't ALL cute baby pictures,  but you gotta admit she's a sweetheart. I figured it's high time I share some adorable photos to brighten up your day ;-) 


Tuesday 18 September 2012

A Birthday, A......

......belated birthday!

Sorry Sara, that your birthday post is coming more than a month late. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to make my excuses....

Oh, right.

I tried that already. It doesn't work.


Alright, I'll just cut right to the chase.

Which is- nobody wants to hear me blabber. So I'll shut up now!
Except to make one note- I love school! (Just not the really, no really, early mornings- I can do without those!)
Oh, that was totally unrelated and spontaneous you say? Riiiiiiight. *Rachel, shut up*

I'll let the pictures tell the story :)

ThE EnD. (no really) :D

Wednesday 25 July 2012


Hello, Folks!

It's official! I am now the oldest I have ever been in my life so far! *grin*

On Monday morning when I came down from my upstairs room, a group of family and a few friends started singing Happy Birthday..... (their mission, of course, is no different than usual: Embarrass Rachel! :p )

When they finished I started walking away..... and was instantly grabbed for the tradition- birthday spankings! haha- All 19 of them! :D

It was a pretty quiet day, we stayed around the house, went for a swim at grandpa's, and then played some games in the evening.

The funniest part of the day was in the evening when my older sister, Laura, came home from work.
I was playing Risk with a few siblings and a family friend, when my sister came in with my "present". The box was a Tom's Shoes box.......everyone knows how much I don't-like Tom's shoes! So she walks in with the box saying "Do you want your birthday present Rachel? Here...I know you don't like Tom's shoes, but I thought maybe if you actually try them, you will like them!"

I groaned.


No, I couldn't. Please not!

But, I opened the box anyway, to see what they looked like.

And Lo and Behold!

The trickster! She hid my real present in the box!

A CAMERA!!! I was surprised, to say the least! I didn't even think that she might use the shoe box as a gift box!

So, no Tom's shoes for me, but now I can photograph HER shoes with my new Nikon camera!

Thanks, Laura!! :) 

PS: I'll be posting some pictures later on of the Zoo and birthday! And on Saturday we're off to the beach for a BBQ to celebrate my 19 years officially!

Saturday 30 June 2012


Dear Mom,

I wish you the best birthday ever. I hope you aren't too upset when people show up at your doorstep for the surprise BBQ and evening we planned for you. I think you will like it after you realize that they have all come equipped with gardening tools and gloves to help finish the flower beds and gardens :)

Mom, through the bad times and the good, even when I've been bad or grumpy (*cough*), you're still always there, whether we (think :P ) we need you or not. Thank you for all the hard work you do to keep the house and family and business running as smoothly as possible.

I love you,


It's Over!

I have officially finished and passed my first year of Bachelor of Science in Nursing! Yaaay!

I am so relieved.
So happy.
So EXCITED! for the prospects and for the coming year...being in the hospital for the first time as a student!

It's going to be a good year :)

I'm not letting go of reality here.....I know it will be tough, it will take a lot of work.... but I'm happy to do it!

Friday 22 June 2012

Strawberry Madness

It's strawberry season!

The strawberry's in our garden have to be picked once a day now, hopefully for a while yet too! They taste great on ice cream, in shakes, in pies and cakes, strawberry coolers......and the rest are being frozen for winter use.

We've got bags and bags of old milk bags filled with hulled strawberries ready for the freezer.

And can't forget the strawberry jam! Jessica made a big batch of strawberry jam. We use the mushier and older strawberries, as they make a great and sweeter jam! (aka less sugar.....which some of us may complain about...just a little!) *Grin*

Hopefully soon it will be raspberry time - My favourite! That means rasperry ice cream meringues are in order! (Smile)